The MS88SF31 module is an advanced, ultra compact size, highly flexible, ultra-low power wireless BLE 5.0/5.1 Module based on Nordic nRF52840/nRF52833 SoC with an optimized and complete radio design of PCB antenna. MS88SF3 brings out all nRF52840/nRF52833 hardware features and capabilities including USB access, up to +8 dBm transmit power up to 5.5V supply considerations, and 802.15.4 (Thread/Zigbee) implementation, Bluetooth 5 Long Range Feature and advanced security capabilities.
nRF52840 – Bluetooth 5.0/5.1 Low Energy Module
- Highly Integrated Solution
- Available with Nordic nRF52840/nRF52833 SoCs, with ARM Cortex-M4 processor
- Integrated external 32.768K crystal oscillator
- Available with high performance PCB Trace antenna and support external antenna connection
- 1MB/512KB Flash and 256/128KB RAM
- Support Preload Customer Firmware
- Bluetooth low Energy Output Power EIRP[dBm]: 8
- 48x GPIOs: 2x UART, 7x SPI, 2x I2C, 8x ADC, 16x PWM
- Voltage: 1.7-5.5V
- Operating Temperature: -40 to 85C
- Size: 18.5x12.5x2mm